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Metro Atlanta Small Business Flex Fund

Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative Logo                       Georgia Micro Enterprise Network Logo 

LISC Atlanta Logo

Georgia Microenterprise Network ("GMEN"), in partnership with Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative ("AWBI") and LISC Atlanta, has undertaken to provide a loan fund for small businesses. This application form captures preliminary information for a business seeking funding from the Metro Atlanta Small Business Flex Fund. 

Terms and Conditions

Each loan is limited to one loan per individual and business tax ID. Loans will be made to qualified businesses, and eligibility is based on accurate and complete submission.

Priority will be given to businesses owned by people of color and women. 

Privacy: Information provided through the application process is the responsibility of each applicant. Applications submitted to the portal remain confidential to the general public and any fellow applicants. Applicants will not hold LISC, GMEN, AWBI, their affiliates, members, partners, and staff liable for any losses, damages, costs, or expenses, of any kind relating to the use or the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of any information loaded in the form. For further information please see LISC’s privacy policy. Data entered on this secure form utilizes FormAssembly.  More info.

Conflict of Interest: Current directors, officers, employees, and contractors of LISC, GMEN, AWBI and such individuals' family members (spouse, parents, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and spouses of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren) are not eligible to apply or seek an award.

Publicity: If a loan is made, please be advised that GMEN, AWBI and/or LISC may request that the business/applicant’s application information, name, statements, and other information provided during the lending process be used for promotional purposes in all forms and media and the business/applicant may be contacted by GMEN, AWBI, LISC and/or the program sponsors for such purposes. 

Monitoring: GMEN, AWBI and/or LISC may monitor and evaluate activity funded by the Metro Atlanta Small Business Flex Fund. This might involve a review of quantitative or qualitative data needed to understand the impact of the fund.

Submission Guidance: It is recommended that before completing and submitting the online form, respondents save their answers in a separate backup document, as your work may not be saved if you leave the web page before submitting the application. You may also lose your work if your internet is disconnected, or as a result of other potential web browser issues. We cannot accept changes to your application once it has been submitted, so please review it carefully.
You will see a confirmation page after successful completion of this application.

Declined Terms

Thank you for your interest in the Metro Atlanta Small Business Flex Fund. We will be unable to process any funding application to your business without agreement to the terms and conditions. If you have questions or clarifications, please email GMEN, adam@gmen.org.

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Lead Business Owner Information 

2.11.a Employer Information

Business Information

The business must be located within the counties of Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Gwinnett, Henry, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton and Rockdale to be eligible.

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Additional Business Information

Only businesses that have been in existence at least one full year are eligible.

Please include the business owner when counting employees.

Please include the business owner when counting employees.

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Primary Industry

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Socioeconomic Data
The next portion of the survey requests socioeconomic data related to the lead business owner. Please provide information based on how the lead business owner self-identifies.

If Yes, you will need to provide DD214 information.

Please specify based on how the lead business owner self-identifies.

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Loan Information

Enter whole dollar amounts only. All amounts when totaled together must equal requested loan amount.

Enter whole dollar amounts only. All amounts when totaled together must equal requested loan amount.

Enter whole dollar amounts only. All amounts when totaled together must equal requested loan amount.

Enter whole dollar amounts only. All amounts when totaled together must equal requested loan amount.

Enter whole dollar amounts only. All amounts when totaled together must equal requested loan amount.

Enter whole dollar amounts only. All amounts when totaled together must equal requested loan amount.

Enter whole dollar amounts only. All amounts when totaled together must equal requested loan amount.

Enter whole dollar amounts only. All amounts when totaled together must equal requested loan amount.

Enter whole dollar amounts only. All amounts when totaled together must equal requested loan amount.
Business Liabilities

All business debts, such as vehicles, accounts payable, loans with other lenders, banks, suppliers, etc. We need the total balance of any loans or debts. These are only debts for the business- we are not asking for personal debt information.

Bank Account Information

Credit Information

If you presently have an active bankruptcy, you do not qualify for a loan. 

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References and Documentation
30. Please provide 3 business references (e.g. bank, vendor, supplier, landlord). These are people who have interacted materially with your business, not personal references.

If you are a DBA and include your business on your personal tax return, please upload that.

Only applicable for loan requests for leasehold improvements.

Only required for equipment and inventory loan requests.

43. Please download the credit authorization form here, print it and fill it out completely, sign it, and email it to creditscore@lisc.org, with the subject line, "Request for Credit Report - Jewel Williams." Your loan application will not be considered complete until this has been done. Please do NOT email this form to anyone else, including anyone else at LISC, GMEN, or AWBI. 
44. After review of your application, you may be asked to provide a personal financial statement. A form is attached here. Please go ahead and download this so that you have it handy if it is required.

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Thank you for completing your application. Please click 'Submit' below to complete your submission. 

Please note that you may be contacted to provide additional documentation in connection with this application. A timely response will ensure prompt processing of your application.

For general questions, please email adam@gmen.org. We are monitoring this email regularly.

For data security questions, please review LISC’s Privacy Policy.