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Together, We Can Build Stronger Communities

Participant Expectations:

Applications must be submitted by Friday, February 28, 2025

Note: Interested applicants are encouraged to apply early. All submissions will be reviewed by the LISC NJ team and official program acceptance will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis and eligibility. Child care and transportation are not available for any in-person sessions.

Expectations and Timeline:

Active and collaborative engagement from all team members are vital to maximize the benefits and impacts of NRLA. Participants are required to:

  • Attend SIX Saturday training sessions, between 9 A.M. - 3 P.M., twice a month from March to May 2025; and a graduation ceremony in June 2025. 
  • Contribute to neighborhood team building during the 3-month training and support your group's community change project planning and implementation process, post the final NRLA session in May.

About You: Your Story, Your Journey

Your Volunteer Experience

NRLA Participation Agreement

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