In this section, describe how funding from this grant
will support the development and implementation of a rural violent reduction plan
in your jurisdiction.
- Be sure to note one or more rural crime problems you seek to address.
- Thorough outline of the intended program, how it will address the identified violent crime challenge(s), and clear alignment to one or more VCROG critical elements.
- Describe how this
grant will support your agency, your community and impacted residents,
community partners, and any additional criminal justice system partners in
addressing the identified crime problem(s). Applicants must incorporate
current crime data to demonstrate need.
- Please
list or describe all project partners, including identification of
individual(s) responsible for implementing the microgrant (i.e., daily
operations and communications) and individual(s) administrating the grant
(i.e., financial responsibility).
- Provide relevant crime data when describing the crime problem and include any additional data sets or community intelligence gathered to date. Also, please provide plans for continued collection of the same data sets for the duration of the grant term.
Instructions: Download
and complete the narrative template found here.
Once completed, save the document as "Name of your Jurisdiction_Department_RVCRI Grant" and upload utilizing the "Choose File" function below.