Arizona Housing Fund RFQ

Arizona Housing Fund Request for Qualifications

The Arizona Housing Fund is a dedicated and sustainable revenue source that grants funding to nonprofit agencies that build and operate Permanent Supportive, Low-Income and Working Poor Housing. Our equity grants will enable more housing units to be constructed, meeting the growing needs of our communities in Arizona with the goal of reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness.

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Phoenix is a partner of the Arizona Housing Fund providing underwriting and other services to the fund. LISC Phoenix is collecting and processing this application. All communication about your application will come from a LISC Phoenix program officer. 
Funding is distributed on a first come, first served basis, as available, for mission-aligned projects. 
The Arizona Housing Fund is intended for permanent supportive housing projects that serve the most vulnerable individuals and families earning up to 30% AMI. 
This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to prequalify developers so they will be ready to quickly apply for funding when a project opportunity arises. Additional project information will be collected separately to determine funding decisions. 

Applicants are considered pre-qualified and do not need to complete this application if they meet all of the following criteria: 
  • Are a non-profit affordable housing developer, owner or operator.
  • Have at least 5 years of experience managing and operating sustainable supportive housing.
  • Have received, in the previous 24 months, grant or loan funding from one of the following entities: LISC, the ACF Affordable Housing Pre-Development Fund, the Home Matters Arizona Fund, Arizona Department of Housing, or an Arizona county, municipality or IDA.
  • Be in good standing with that grantee and/or lender and current on loan payments, if applicable.

RFQs will be reviewed as they are received and this application will remain open as long as the Fund is in existence. 

Please review the checklist of organizational, financial and project information documents that LISC may request later in the process.  

You can navigate through the form without completing required answers. Use the links at the top or bottom of the form to save your application and return to it. Applications will not be reviewed until they are complete and submitted. 
            Contact with questions about this application or grant requirements. 
            Click "NEXT PAGE" to begin the application. 

            Page 2: Applicant Information

            Mailing Address
            Primary Contact

            Page 3: Applicant Profile

            Development Experience
            Comprehensive Community Development Guiding Documents

            Page 4: Upload Supporting Documents

            Include the applicant name as the start of all file names. Accepted files types are .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx.  
            Applicant Financial Information
            Provide the most recent three years of audited financial statements. 
            Click "SUBMIT" to complete your application. You will not be able to edit the application after it has been submitted. A copy will be emailed to you at address you provided.